Tuesday, February 9, 2010

great feedback from followers

When I receive comments or suggestions I want to pass them along to you all - so here are a few ideas/suggestions. One of my Vegan friends Jimmy wants me to check out Java Green, he said it's the healthiest place to eat in DC - www.javagreencafe.com. He is also helping them open a new gourmet vegan full-service restaurant in Dupont Circle this spring that will have classes and workshops in the future - so keep an eye out. Another follower Kimberly invited me to a "Raw Foods made Easy class in March which I plan on going to - and of course will blog about. The invite talked about how we turn to drugs and doctors but we can improve our overall health very easily by eating more raw fruits and veggies. We can prepare meals by using raw foods (fruits, nuts, veggies, seeds, etc.). If we did this we would consume less processed, refined and over cooked foods that are adding to our poor health. In this class I will learn more about Enzymes which according to Raw Food Experts are the "catalyst to life and every function in our body and they are only present in raw foods". I am going March 2nd and will for sure write about the recipes we make. Once example we will be making is Raw Burritos (taco meat made from walnuts) and Sour Cream made from Cashews....interesting huh??

Another friend told Lisa told me she uses the cinnamon Ezekiel Bread to make her kids french toast. Another follower Andi eats lots of super foods like nuts, beans, berries, flaxseeds and chia seeds (which trust me we'll talk about) as well as soy for her regular diet. We will talk about soy as well because I know there are pros and cons. She suggested reading "The China Study" by t. colin campbell about a plant based diet that will help reduce the risk of all diseases and help fight aging, I plan on reading that and "Skinny Bitch" which a lot of you suggested as well!

Going back to Refined flours and Enriched flours - it's hard to find a good cracker that doesn't have it. I am on the search - but one that is in my pantry is the "kavli 5 Grain" Crisp Bread - it may not be the tastiest, but it's a cracker made with whole rye flour, wheat bran and mixed cereals (oats, wheat, barely, rye and millet)- with water and salt - pretty healthy!! Just put something yummy on top!

I will write later about the 3rd ingredient on my box of Italian Bread Crumbs - "Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil".

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